Our Farm


Located in Central Pennsylvania, we offer retail cuts of beef and pork, seasonal chicken and turkey, as well as whole and half sides of grass-fed/finished beef and woodland raised pork. We serve the counties of York, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, Delaware, Philadelphia, Adams, and surrounding communities.

Our family farm focuses on rotational grazing and regenerative agriculture practices. Caring for our animals AND land, are important for the future and health of our soil resulting in nutrient dense grass-fed beef and pork for our family and yours!

Genetic diversity is also an important factor to maintaining the health of livestock, therefore we also focus on raising heritage breeds as much as possible. Our Belted Galloway (“Belties”) cattle, Gloucester Old Spot and Red Wattle pigs are both unique and chosen intentionally. Check out our farming practices and shop our store TODAY! Enjoy!!!

Little Flower Farm is a proud member of PA Preferred, The Livestock Conservancy, and PASA Sustainable Agriculture.


100% grass-fed


Belted Galloway (“Belties”) cattle are on the “recovering” list of the Livestock Conservancy website and originated in the rugged hill country of southwestern Scotland. Belties are well adapted to cold and rugged climates and have performed well for us here in Central Pennsylvania. Beltie beef is of high quality and are known for their nutritional benefits (lower in saturated fat and higher in beneficial CLA’s).  Belties finish out close to 570 lbs. hanging weight, which results in smaller, tender, and flavorful beef that is simply better than the rest! For more information on Betie beef check out Benefits of Beltie Beef


Woodland Pork - Gloucester Old Spots

The Gloucester Old Spots (“GOS”) pig is known for its distinctive white coat with black spots. British folklore claims the large black spots are bruises caused by the apples falling onto them as they foraged the orchard floors for food.

The GOS pig is known for its docility, intelligence, and prolificacy. Our pigs are raised in the woods and are supplemented with a soy/corn free (non-GMO) feed from a local feed mill. Growing pigs in the woods provides them with access to natural forage, nuts, insects, mushrooms and plenty of sunshine. As a result, our pigs meat and fat are healthier and provide a rich source of micro-nutrients, particularly fat-soluble vitamins E and D. Pigs are mono-gastric animals and make vitamin D in their skin and in their fat when they’re exposed to sunlight. In addition to GOS, we also raise a number of cross-bred pigs which results in a variety of flavors and great tasting clean pork.